Sunday, May 11, 2008

2nd International Gluten Free Beer Festival

Joe Barfield
The Joe Barfield Group
Specializing in Homes of History and Character

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Barfield []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:06 AM
To: Joe Barfield
Subject: FW: Another GF Beer Choice!

Response from the Beer Fox...

Anne Barfield
210 340-0648

-----Original Message-----
From: Smagalski, Carol []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 8:18 AM
To: Anne Barfield
Subject: RE: Another GF Beer Choice!


Thank you so much for this information! I just received word this weekend
that the First International Gluten Free Beer Festival will be held in
England on Feb 3rd and 4th, 2006, in conjunction with the CAMRA (Campaign
for Real Ale) Festival. If all goes well with this portion of the Festival
this year, it will continue in years to come. I have been asked to speak at
the 2nd International Gluten-Free Beer Festival in 2007, so I would be
grateful for any GF Beer information you receive at any time.

This segment of the industry is in its infancy, and I have a vision that it
will become a significant market in the years to come. After all, Celiacs
should have the opportunity to sit in a brewpub, tavern, or brasserie with
their friends and enjoy a beer and the fun atmosphere!
Carolyn Smagalski
Beer Fox


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